Creating Crazy Worshipers

Creating Crazy Worshipers

20 Episodes

This weekly devotional series with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee is designed for people on the go! Short and to the point biblical truths, shared from the vantage point of a CRAZY Worshiper!

Creating Crazy Worshipers
  • I Love Your Presence

    Episode 1

    Season one kicks off with a NEW music video and teaching from minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she discusses the perfect environment for the people of God.

  • Be Bold

    Episode 2

    Episode Two: Minister and recording artist Danielle Renee shares on the ability of believers to boldly approach God in relationship, standing in the full assurance they access BY FAITH!

  • Get Ready

    Episode 3

    Episode Three: Pulling from personal life stories minister and recording artist Danielle Renee discusses the need for engaging with the still small voice in order to recognize God of the grandiose.

  • Out Of The Box

    Episode 4

    Episode Four: Minister Danielle Renee shares personal stories and discusses the importance of being willing to follow God...anywhere!

  • Presence over Promotion

    Episode 5

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the life of David, a young man who pursued God's presence of promotion.
    David Series: Part One

  • Delay is A Doorway

    Episode 6

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the young life of David, and Gods plan to use his delayed destiny as a doorway to preparation.
    David Series: Part Two

  • The Right Fight

    Episode 7

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the young life of David and his refusal to allow other people's lack of vision steer his destiny.
    David Series: Part Three

  • Authentically You

    Episode 8

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the young life of David and the importance of being authentic to who God created YOU to be!
    David Series: Part Four

  • Freedom from Our Past

    Episode 9

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the blessing of being free from the shame of our past.

  • Free But Under Authority

    Episode 10

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the paradox of being free yet under authority.

  • Freedom of Performance

    Episode 11

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the freedom of performance through grace.

  • Freedom in Worship

    Episode 12

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the freedom found in God's concept of sincere worship

  • God's Family: Divine Purpose

    Episode 13

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the biblical institution of family and it's divine purpose.

  • God's Family: People of Love

    Episode 14

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies how God's family can reflect His nature of love

  • God's Family: Namesake

    Episode 15

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the privilege of being Gods namesake.

  • God's Family: Full of Faith

    Episode 16

    Watch this episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies the call to biblical faith.

  • Shine:Influential Life

    Episode 17

    Watch this week's episode with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she kicks off the new September series "SHINE"

  • Shine:In the Darkness

    Episode 18

    Watch this week's episode with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies how to SHINE in the darkness

  • SHINE:Enduring Light

    Episode 19

    Watch this week's episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers as minister and recording artist Danielle Renee studies how to SHINE with endurance.

  • Shine:In Humility

    Episode 20

    Watch this week's episode of Creating Crazy Worshipers with minister and recording artist Danielle Renee as she studies how to SHINE in humility.